Our Affiliates

We are proud to be closely affiliated with the following organisations.

Please click on their logos to be taken to their respective websites. 

 VHS Düsseldorf

U.K. Consulate Düsseldorf

U.S Consulate Düsseldorf

Expat Service Desk Düsseldorf

American International Women's Club Düsseldorf

 British Women's Club Düsseldorf

 British Business Club Düsseldorf

English Theatre Düsseldorf

German Australian Business Council

Görres-Gymnasium Düsseldorf

Metropolitan Library System, Oklahoma, U.S. 

 Deutsche-Britische Gesellschaft Düsseldorf 

AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. 

Orange Planet Theatre, NRW, Germany

Deustche-Indische Gesellschaft

Reading-Düsseldorf Association

Amazing Capitals